Most of the companies pay special attention to personnel training as the success of their enterprise is based on its employees’ skills and competences. Training is the most popular form of learning. This learning format inside a company allows it to increase employees’ performance and to achieve specific results in business.
For over 28 years Adros Baltija has specialised in the organisation of corporate trainings, business games, facilitations and strategic sessions for well-known international companies.
We successfully conduct trainings for employees in the areas of IT, finance, insurance, trade and the pharmaceutical business. We create unique educational programmes adapted to your goals and the company’s specific areas of operations.
Subjects of our training sessions:
We do not offer a universally applicable ready-made solution. Each of our training and learning programmes is developed individually for your personnel and your tasks, therefore, you may be sure that the quality and efficiency of the services provided is high.
As part of corporate training we:
to get answers to any questions you may have
Step 1. Defining goals and tasks
Consultants from Adros Baltija meet the management of a company to discuss the goals and tasks of training. Together with our consultants, you will fill out a questionnaire to determine the length of training, format, language and venue.
Possible formats: training, business game, business stimulation
Available languages: Latvian, English, Russian
Step 2. Preparing an offer
After having carefully analysed your needs and wishes, our consultants will prepare a commercial offer and discuss training efficiency criteria and other details with you.
Step 3. An audit and making an individual training programme
We will conduct the audit of your employees’ skills, evaluate their preparedness level, strengths and weaknesses.
In the course of the audit, we will pay attention to three components:
Then we will evaluate the level of preparedness of your employee and adjust the individual personnel training programme. After the audit we will also provide you with feedback on whether investments in training the selected employees is worth investing in or will be a waste of money and effort.
Step 4. Pre-training activity and training
The training will be conducted based on pre-agreed case studies that are characteristic of your business.
We are against blathering and training for the sake of training, therefore we select methods based on specific cases and are able to solve an actual issue at work during the training.
We have a one-week break between training days. It gives participants time to integrate any mastered knowledge in their work, experiment with techniques offered and bring practical questions to the second step of training.
Step 5. Post-training activity and support
Experience has shown that approximately 50% of success in training depends on the implementation of new knowledge, the other 26% on preparation and only 24% on the process of training itself. Therefore, during our training we pay special attention to practice, controlling and supporting our employees while they implement new tools in their operating processes.
We understand that changes require time, therefore we will support your employees along their journey and will help them implement techniques offered and methods in their work. To this end, we:
If we see that an employee fails in doing something, we will provide support free of charge and arrange additional training and an audit of skills mastered.
We believe that it is quality post-training support that allows a company to gain a return on investments and achieve the desired KPI.
Post-training support
Over the entire period of servicing, you will receive feedback from us regarding any matters and post-training support for three months after the end of the last day of training.
Control over the implementation of skills
We will give your employees not only the tools, but also time for them to implement all the skills mastered. Then we give them developing feedback and recommendations for improving their results.
An efficient system
We create an environment in which employees are bound to change. The entire educational programme will take 6 months, including pre-training preparation, training itself, fulfilling homework tasks and support after the programme is completed. This will help employees to dive into obtaining new knowledge and to successfully implement it in practice. After the training your employees and results will be different!
28 years’ experience
Since 1996, we have conducted 972 training sessions for middle and major companies in the area of IT, finance, insurance, trade and pharmaceuticals.
An individual approach
The combination of tests, interviews and methods for corporate training is selected individually based on your demands, goals and employees’ preparedness. You may be sure that we will create a unique educational programme for your situation that cannot be found elsewhere.
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